Rêve De Nuit

Weiße Schokolade, Frischkäse, Dirndln

Rêve De Nuit

Weiße Schokolade, Frischkäse, Dirndln

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Rêve De Nuit

Butter, Salz, Karamell, Bitterschokolade

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Rêve De Nuit

Zwetschke, Zimt, Meringue

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Rêve De Nuit

Haselnuss, Nougat, Bitterschokolade

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Rêve De Nuit

Feige, Kakao, Bitterschokolade

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Rêve De Nuit


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Rêve De Nuit

Kakao, Zwetschke, Bitterschokolade

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Rêve De Nuit

Vanille, Maroni, Weiße Schokolade

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Rêve De Nuit

Himbeere, Rote Rübe, knackiger Karamell

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Rêve De Nuit

Himbeere, Rote Rübe, knackiger Karamell

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Fall – Winter 2018/19

Bitterschokolade, Tabak, Himbeeren


Fall – Winter 2018/19

Sauerrahm, Brombeeren, weiße Schokolade


Fall – Winter 2018/19

Kakaobohne, mexikanische Vanille, Orange, Karamell


Fall – Winter 2018/19

weiße Schokolade, Fenchel, Mandeln


Fall – Winter 2018/19

Topfen, Mohn, Kirschen


Fall – Winter 2018/19

dunkler Karamell, Vanille, Grand Marnier


Fall – Winter 2018/19

Grapefruit, Hibiskus

Fall – Winter 2018/19


Cinema Sub Rosa

Grand Cru Schokoladetarte · Whisky-Haselnusstorte mit dunklem Karamell

Kollektion Paris

Torte Ø 26 cm
Pistazien, Himbeeren und weiße Schokolade
Motiv Fliesendetails der Pariser Métro Stationen
Siebdruck auf Schokoladencreme

Kollektion Paris

Torten Ø 7 cm
Pistazien, Himbeeren und weiße Schokolade
Motiv Fliesendetails der Pariser Métro Stationen
Siebdruck auf Schokoladencreme

Kollektion Paris

Vanille, Grand Marnier und Karamell

Kollektion Paris

Torte Ø 7 cm
Pistazien, Himbeeren und weiße Schokolade
Motiv Fliesendetails der Pariser Métro Stationen
Siebdruck auf Schokoladencreme

Kollektion Paris

Brombeeren, Mandeln und weiße Schokolade


Today I gave myself an award for choosing the designer who created my award winning corporate design. For normal people, not in the know: the CCA Creativ Club Austria awards a bronze, silver or gold Venus statue to outstanding solutions in advertising and graphic design. Studio Es won two bronze statues for corporate identity and photography. We are very proud of each other.

Places in Paris

Places to be in Paris if you’re a pastry chef. Or if you’re a person who, for some other reason, likes to hang out in bakery supply shops:

E. Dehillerin
18—20, Rue Coquillière 75001
I believe this to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Déco Relief
6 Rue Montmartre 75001

13 Rue Montmartre 75001

La Bovida
36 Rue Montmartre 75001

Saved By A Song Concert Shindig

Croquembouche · Hochzeitstorte mit Vogelschwarm

Kollektion Paris

Torte Ø 26 cm
Mohn, Birne und Mandeln

Kollektion Paris

Bitterschokolade, Vanille und Grand Marnier

Kollektion Paris

Bitterschokolade und Bitterschokolade

Natascha & Andreas‘ Wedding

Rose & Rosehip Croquembouche

Black cake


Hermann’s birthday cake. Somebody paid me for making a black cake. How perfect.

A woman is only a woman, but a port is a port – Winston Churchill

Cherries in port
250 grams port (e.g. Graham’s late Bottle Vintage 2006 or Cockburn’s Special Reserve)
150 grams sugar (or to taste)
500 grams frozen pitted cherries (use fresh cherries in summer)
zest of half an orange
1 pc star anise
1/2 bean mexican vanilla

Simmer until thick and shiny. Eat all at once (you might want to cool them slightly). Pour hot over vanilla ice cream or chocolate cake. Chill and serve with cheesecake or anything ricotta.


Alex asked me what the most important tool in my kitchen is and i told him high quality wireless headphones. Baking for two nights through without sleep can be challenging, especially if your past two weeks already consisted of 14 hour shifts and no weekends. Here are some songs in case you find yourself having to bake for 500 people all by yourself, and if you, like me, are a person who refuses taking cocain to an almost childish degree.

I’ll Be Surprised, Skinnyman
Chaos, Talib Kweli & Bahamadia (Sorry, no link – not on iTunes)
Eternalists, Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek
Ayo, Bossman
Dangereux, IAM
Blood Makes Noise, Suzanne Vega
Longueur D’Onde, JP Manova
Staring At The Sun, TV On The Radio
Ballad Of The Thin Man, Mike Patton with Jamie Saft Trio
Just A Man, Faith No More
Ace Of Spades, Motörhead
Bring Me The Disco King, David Bowie with John Frusciante
(play this one when you’re finally going to sleep for two hours)

Vintage Messe Semper Depot

Bitterschokoladetarte · Mandel-Zitronen-Torte mit weißer Schokolade ·
Pistazientorte mit Himbeeren · Schokolade Eclairs · Zitronentartelettes · Mohn-Birnen-Torte · Karamell-Choux mit Madagaskar Vanille

Shooting for Website n° 2

Chocolate about to be photographed.

Shooting for Website n° 1

Andreas‘ macros in the making …

Tile Cakes

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So I called my friend Christian to ask if he would like to make some screens from my tile drawings so we could have a whack at screenprinting on frozen chocolate cream. Luckily for me, Christian is always up for a good experiment and immediately agreed. How great to have people like that around!
As expected, the screens turned out perfectly and so did the first results:
Sugarflair Black Extra on Dark Chocolate Ganache and White Chocolate Cream.

Tile drawings n° 1


Back home from Paris. I decided to do something with those tile photos I made. Buying black Edding markers is always a good start in my opinion.

n° 2


The drawings so far.

Surviving Paris on coffee at Ten Belles

Here’s how Xavier Cotte welcomed our group to Le Cordon Bleu, „We want to congratulate you for your courage. You applied for the intensive session. We believe you have no idea what you signed up for.“
Well, I have to give them this: 40 hours of new input a week is, in fact, intense. With practising and studying on the side, I find myself in desperate need for a lot of coffee. Luckily, Ten Belles is only a short stroll away, and as the coffee in the rest of Paris is pretty much undrinkable, I’m stopping by often, and it has become one of those places where you suddenly feel at home, without really knowing why.

You look like I need a drink – Mae West

This is one of my favourite quotes of all time. I think of it every now and then when I’ve just made something that didn’t quite work out the way I planned. Like this Croquembouche I’m currently staring at in disbelief. The picture of which has somehow magically disappeared, by the way, so I can’t share it with you. I’ll go with a Smoke Martini instead.

Knives n° 2

I recommend Wüsthof, by the way.

Knives and the Canal Saint Martin n° 1


Today I took my new knife kit for a walk. As I live close to the Canal Saint Martin, life is easy and pretty. Later, the knives and I will have coffee at Ten Belles. We are all looking forward to it.

Chocolate writing


Would anyone really pay $400 for the Paris Typeface?

locker 77, Le Cordon Bleu, Paris

Not quite a 22, but still..

Paris Frühstück

Croissants · Éclairs ·
Tarte Tatin · Tarte au Citron · Tarte
aux Pommes · Saint-honoré · Religieuses

Sneha & Sebastian’s Wedding

Pistazie · Mohn-Himbeere ·
Zitrone-Mandel-Weiße Schokolade

Not all of us can, and some of us don’t – Eeyore of Winnie the Pooh

… as my caramel stabbed me in the back when I was giving my attention to something else for just a millisecond.

Tiles n° 1

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The Parisien Metro tiles are easily among the most beautiful things on earth. I love how the tiling is done. How they were doing doorways and corners. How they would mix different kinds of tiles, sometimes just throwing them together without caring about whether the joints match.

n° 4

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n° 5

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